Monday 21 November 2011

Final sketches!

Design 1: Words

- copy and paste the picture on the 16 by 20 inches with the resolution of 250
- drew the outline of the puzzle using the brush tool
- used the filter gallery (palette knife) to filter the copied puzzle
- added the background (tiles,  chromed satin text) 
- used the color brush #000000

Design 2: Anytime, anywhere. (Final)

- used linear gradient for the background, black #000000 and #b2b145
- added stars to the background, design from the brush tool
- created a sphere (globe) using the ellipse tool
- colored the globe #0064a4 (blue), filtered it with the texturiser
- the land part on the globe, used custom shape tools (blob1)
- to create a more real look to the land, used texture (craquelure) under filter gallery
- created four rounded shape (clocks) using the ellipse tool and colored it with yellow #ffff01, red #fcob16, green #01ff01, blue #01c6ff.
- the numbers of the clocks copied from the internet , deleted the background using the magic wand tool, by selecting the number pressing shift and the left click button
- the needles on the clock, used custom shape tool arrow 5 and line 2
- the legs on the globe were created by using line with the weight of 50 pixel, color #030303 and transformed it using perspective, duplicate the layer and flipped horizontal.
- the left foot of the globe were created by using custom shape tools and the right was duplicated and flipped horizontal.
- the envelopes, used the custom shape tools (envelope 1), colors red#fc0315, yellow #f3fc03 and purple #dc03fc. one envelope was created and then duplicated.

Design 3: Signguage

- background layer was created by clicking layer for background and then used gradient tools (spectrum)
- created a second layer with the color black #000000,brush 2500 (width)was used to create the background
- copied the design, used magic wand tool and deleted the white background and filtered it.
- created 2 lines of 50 pixel weight, color #91fcb3 turquoise, lines were then duplicated for all the hands.

Monday 24 October 2011


Picture1: Nature
Picture 2: Two cups and soundwaves

Picture 3: Snail mail 

Picture 4: Six Degrees of Separation

Picture 5: Instant Messaging

Picture 6: Olden Days

Picture 7: Connecting

Picture 8: Senses

Picture 9: Growth of Social Networking

Picture 10: Pigeon mail

Picture 11: Anytime, Anywhere.

Picture 12: Touch

Picture 13:Telephonisim

Picture 14: Words

Picture 15: Sign Language

Picture 16: Smile

Picture 17: Body Language

Picture 18: Evolution of mail

Monday 19 September 2011


Just because I don"t know the meaning of my art, does not mean it has no meaning.

The type of art that i have chosen to present on is surrealism. It begun in the early 1920's by Andre Breton, in 1924, to be exact. He was a french poet who published Manifeste du Surrealism, a book which suggested that creativity was suppressed by the rational logic that is portrayed by everyone.Andre Breton, was a follower of Freud and Jung, psychologists who applied the concept of the subconscious mind to his work.

The artist that i have chosen is Salvador Dali, who began painting at the tender age of six. He started painting surrealism art in 1927. His painting depict the dream stage in the most realistic way, overflowing with unrestricted sexual desires and childhood memories. His painting often portrayed mystical landscapes ( the earth, sky and clouds)

The reason why i like his art is because his paintings represents images or thought which are so unreal and even some we dare not speak of openly. It does not make any sense, yet is it the most fascinating ideas ever created.I believe there is more to what we see in our everyday lives, which is portrayed in some of the surrealism paintings created.
                                             The persistence of memory by Salvador Dali
Elements of design:
Line: leads the viewer in and around the painting
Tone: mysterious, represents surreal situations that we might face in real life
Color: monochromatic, therefore often interpreted as a dreamscape
Texture: smooth and streamlined
Movement: Fluid but almost slow
Balance: despite being so surreal, it has a traditional sense of balance
Symmetry: it is not completely symmetrical.

                                                     The phantom cart by Salvador Dali.

Monday 12 September 2011

Dreams, Interests and Aspirations!

Well, where do i begin? For starters, welcome to my blog!! My name is Nirosha Manohar and this blog is solely for my Introduction to Design class. As an introduction, we were told to blog about our dreams, interest and aspirations.

Lets start of with dreams, making this short and sweet. :)
- to be highly educated and knowledgeable.
- to have obtained my PhD in Child Psychology by a certain age (meaning before 35).
- to have established my own Psychological firm.
- to be successful enough to live a comfortable life.

- Psychology
-Culinary Arts

Well i am known to be a high achiever and i hope to someday be known in the field that I specialize in (Child Psychology), to create a theory that will be used all over the world. basically, to be a somebody rather than a nobody in our society.