Monday 21 November 2011

Final sketches!

Design 1: Words

- copy and paste the picture on the 16 by 20 inches with the resolution of 250
- drew the outline of the puzzle using the brush tool
- used the filter gallery (palette knife) to filter the copied puzzle
- added the background (tiles,  chromed satin text) 
- used the color brush #000000

Design 2: Anytime, anywhere. (Final)

- used linear gradient for the background, black #000000 and #b2b145
- added stars to the background, design from the brush tool
- created a sphere (globe) using the ellipse tool
- colored the globe #0064a4 (blue), filtered it with the texturiser
- the land part on the globe, used custom shape tools (blob1)
- to create a more real look to the land, used texture (craquelure) under filter gallery
- created four rounded shape (clocks) using the ellipse tool and colored it with yellow #ffff01, red #fcob16, green #01ff01, blue #01c6ff.
- the numbers of the clocks copied from the internet , deleted the background using the magic wand tool, by selecting the number pressing shift and the left click button
- the needles on the clock, used custom shape tool arrow 5 and line 2
- the legs on the globe were created by using line with the weight of 50 pixel, color #030303 and transformed it using perspective, duplicate the layer and flipped horizontal.
- the left foot of the globe were created by using custom shape tools and the right was duplicated and flipped horizontal.
- the envelopes, used the custom shape tools (envelope 1), colors red#fc0315, yellow #f3fc03 and purple #dc03fc. one envelope was created and then duplicated.

Design 3: Signguage

- background layer was created by clicking layer for background and then used gradient tools (spectrum)
- created a second layer with the color black #000000,brush 2500 (width)was used to create the background
- copied the design, used magic wand tool and deleted the white background and filtered it.
- created 2 lines of 50 pixel weight, color #91fcb3 turquoise, lines were then duplicated for all the hands.

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